Today would be Dempsey’s 7th Birthday if she were still here with me physically. Those who know me, know that she is very much still here with me spiritually; From the memorial tattoos that dot my arms and shoulders to the foundation that continues to help grieving families in her name.
This week I took some time and honored Dempsey at a concert for her foundation. We raised over $600 for headstones for low-income families who have also lost babies. It was a great day of performances and activities (I’ll post photos tomorrow). A lot of people at the event expressed a desire to help the additional families on our waiting list who are patiently waiting for headstones for their babies.
Here are some ways you can help:
Donations. With very little overhead, we are able to send virtually every penny of your donations directly to local headstone manufacturers to make each family’s heartfelt wish happen. If you wish to donate, please go to:
Awareness. We simply need more people to know and understand the good work that we’re doing at the foundation. You can help people discover and become “fans” of the foundation through your Facebook page. To explore our Facebook presence go to:
Simple Things. The Dempsey Burdick Memorial Foundation is now partnering with GoodSearch.com to raise money for the cause. If you start using GoodSearch.com as your search engine of choice, they will donate a penny to the foundation every time you search for something on-line. Try it! For details, go to:
To read the heartbreaking stories of the families we’ve helped, or to find out more about Dempsey, the Charity, and the Headstone Fund, please go to: http://www.babyheadstones.org/