Tag Archives: billy joel
Last tuesday's Kevin Burdick Musician Party for local L.A. musicians was a great night of networking. Club Trip in Santa Monica let us have our run of...
As I sat with my chicken dinner tonight next to a couple of college students, I couldn’t help overhear the conversation they were having. They were reading a text message that the boy had received from an apparent...Read more
A huge thank you to Internationally Renowned photographer Jared Platt (www.plattphotography.com) for assembing this incredible photo montage from our various photo shoots over the years. Jared has always been a friend and a supporter, as I am of his work also. ...Read more
Well, if you missed the short performance LIVE from my bedroom, I recorded for you. In it, I uncover my top-secret songwriting processes and give some tips to young songwriters (hope they help), plus I performed Basket Case,...Read more