Nearly 7 years to the date after Dempsey’s passing I got an amazing invitation from an old high school friend. Her husband, a seasoned racecar driver with the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association), was touched by her charity...
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Tag Archives: foundation
My favorite kind of show is where I can take my life and use it to inspire and entertain someone else as well as make a small difference in a community. Hopefully Gilbert, AZ is a little more inspired...Read more
Today would be Dempsey's 7th Birthday if she were still here with me physically. Those who know me, know that she is very much still here with me spiritually;...
Today would have been my daughter’s 6th birthday. It’s always a meloncholy time for me, this time of year, and I generally struggle to get out of bed. Luckily I have good friends and family who force me to...Read more
I am thrilled to anounce the creation of a new pendant by innovate jewelry designer and manufacturer Kele & Co. Kele & Company worked closely with my sister on the design and creation of the pendant. A portion of the...Read more