This week, the Kevin Burdick Tour Bus, which has been such an icon at shows and events for nearly three years, goes up for auction in Phoenix. It’s a bittersweet financial move, with the bus running in the tens of...
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Tag Archives: music
Concerned fans have been asking me recently why my performing schedule has slowed significantly over the last 12 months. One of the main reasons for that is I have been having problems with my voice. After years of struggling with...Read more
My favorite kind of show is where I can take my life and use it to inspire and entertain someone else as well as make a small difference in a community. Hopefully Gilbert, AZ is a little more inspired...Read more
Those who know me know that I love women, in fact, some might joke that I love women "a little too much." So when it comes to the gay community,...Read more
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the crib, My ipod was playing some 'Bel-Boe-Deviv.' I got up to switch it and put on something...Read more