The Cat Club show in West Hollywood had a solid turn-out for a Sunday night show. The 60 or so people who came...
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Tag Archives: Rock
It’s kind of fun to do a search on-line and see what people are posting, filming, and saying about me. Here are the best of the Kevin Burdick bootleg recordings that have been made with cell phones and...Read more
The 30 or so people who came to watch us rock The Joint in L.A. were treated to one of the "greatest 25-minute piano rock performances...Read more
Starry Plough is one of those quirky cool venues in Berkeley that you have to play to believe. When we arrived for setup at about 7 PM...Read more
Two night’s ago the beautiful Kevin Burdick Tourbus decided it would take a break from touring – only 15,000 miles on it – gotta love those Ford engines. Apparently the transmission blew a hole in it’s case and leaked...Read more