The Philanthropist

The heartache that comes from the loss of a child is frequently compounded by the financial discomfort of having to provide a funeral and cover mounting medical expenses. This at a time when a grieving parent only wants to be able to reflect on their loss and feel some closeness with their family.
Because of our personal experience with the loss of our daughter Dempsey and the generous donations of others, we are now able to provide a limited number of grieving families with a headstone in an effort to alleviate some of the costs involved in burying a child. We hope that by taking some of the financial burden away from a grieving family that they are able to focus more on the grieving process.
Go here to discover more information on the mission of The Dempsey Burdick Memorial Foundation:
Kevin has also taken his fundraising goals for the foundation to an exciting and innovative place with his new company, Ignite Fundraising. Ignite applies a credit card style rewards program to non-profit fundraising and is raising thousands of dollars for non-profits around the U.S. You can get involved with Ignite Fundraising by going to: