I have heard of L.A. referred to as “The City of Broken Dreams” as thousands of dreamers make their way to the harsh landscape of Hollywood each year. For every Brad Pitt, there are hundreds upon hundreds of
Bradley’s you never heard of living somewhere in Southern California. It’s no surprise that Los Angeles is the homeless capital of America with nearly 300,000 homeless taking refuge on her streets. The dreamers come out here with nothing and often leave here with nothing. In reality, the City of Angels is not paved with gold, but with bones.
Truth be told, the weather in L.A. is often spectacular, but it can get a little chilly in the winter months especially at night. For many of the homeless it can be a challenge to stay warm while huddling up under their favorite overpass during Christmas-time. Tonight the temperature would get into the low 40’s.
For the last few years, my parents have forgone the neckties, the chocolate covered cherries, the tool sets, and the Shamwows and, instead, have requested that their 5 children partake in a random act of kindness on their behalf. A “charitable act” is all that they want for Christmas.
And so it was with my parents request in mind that I placed one of my favorite sweat shirts in the backseat of my car. It’s a black Hurley sweatshirt, thick and warm, with a zipper that goes all the way up the hoodie. It’s still stylish, but with 4 other cool sweatshirts in my closet, it will soon be forgotten. I told my close friend, Tim Nichols, that we were going on a drive tonight. I explained that we’d get some dinner, and then, by a miracle of the universe, stumble upon the right homeless person who would most benefit from this jacket.

Later in the evening, as I emerged from a convenience store lobby with drinks in hand, I noticed a man shivering near the front door.
“Would you have some change that I can borrow so that I can get me some smokes?” the man asked politely. His pants were dirty and his t-shirt was old and worn. “Sure,” I said taking $5 out of my pocket and handing it to the man. “It’s kind of cold out. Could you use a coat too?”
“Yes sir,” he replied,
“That would be nice.” Walking to the back of my car, I pulled out the Hurley jacket I had set aside just for this very purpose. “Here you go, man.” I quickly pointed out the finer details of the jacket to him, how the zipper could go up to the top of the hoodie for “total face warmness” and how he would probably be the hippest guy out here. He laughed. As he walked away I said, “Merry Christmas man – hope this year’s a warm one for ya.” He nodded and waved as he slipped away into the night to join the army of other homeless people on the streets of Los Angeles County.

So tonight, somewhere out there in the darkness, you may encounter a hip homeless man wearing a Hurley jacket. Hopefully, he’ll remind you that it’s never too late to do something nice for someone else this Christmas season.
In thinking of tonight, I remember that Jesus Christ himself was born
homeless in a stable near Bethlehem. One of my favorite Bible quotes that I learned as a kid reads:
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40).” This, my friends,
is the spirit of Christmas: The act of giving for the sake of giving – The spirit of Jesus Christ.
Thanks so much for reading my story, and may you and your loved ones have a very merry Season of Giving!!