Leave People Better Than You Found Them (L.P.B.T.Y.F.T.) – This is a philosophy, or maybe even a creed, that has developed inside me over the years that I thought I’d share with you. It has brought me peace...
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Tag Archives: Burdick
Going to be near Washington DC this Independence Day? If so, come out to the National Parade and meet Kevin Burdick. He’ll be one of the celebrities for the event...
Entertainer Kevin Burdick living riches to rags tale By Mike Henle Entertainer Kevin Burdick may be the storybook example of an entertainer whose trials and tribulations are best illustrated in his music. Those who perform on...Read more
Today would have been my daughter’s 6th birthday. It’s always a meloncholy time for me, this time of year, and I generally struggle to get out of bed. Luckily I have good friends and family who force me to...Read more
We are pleased to announce that Kevin Burdick has been chosen to be a part of a compilation CD entitled “Out of Darkness,” the proceeds of which will go to benefit Alcoholics Anonymous and The Salvation Army. Producer...Read more