The song was inspired by spending time with my business manager’s brother who had lost both of his legs in Iraq to a roadside bomb. His family spent several months in the Fisher House while he was recovering....
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Tag Archives: charity
Every year at Christmastime my parents challenge us to do something out of the ordinary, even extraordinary, as an act of service for their Christmas present. They don’t want us to buy them bread makers or mixing bowls,...Read more
Nearly 7 years to the date after Dempsey’s passing I got an amazing invitation from an old high school friend. Her husband, a seasoned racecar driver with the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association), was touched by her charity...Read more
My favorite kind of show is where I can take my life and use it to inspire and entertain someone else as well as make a small difference in a community. Hopefully Gilbert, AZ is a little more inspired...Read more
Today would be Dempsey's 7th Birthday if she were still here with me physically. Those who know me, know that she is very much still here with me spiritually;...