Pulling up to The Cantankerous Fish I expected to see a small bar mixed with a Long John Silvers and a Joe’s Crab Shack; instead what I got was a sexy high-end restaurant with some of the most delicious food I’d ever eaten. The bar/restaurant pulled out the all star treatment for us, letting us park the tour bus directly out in front, giving us free drinks, and expensive meals for pennies on the dollar. It was a lot of fun.
The crowd at the show was incredibly gracious and we sold a ton of merchandise. We watched people finish their meals and stay for an hour or so after just to hear more music – I was very appreciative. Non-customers stopped on the street and huddled in groups to hear more. Over the evening we probably played to 200 – 250 people. I have to admit that people in Northern California really appreciate their artists (and I really appreciate the people of Northern California). My experience with the shows up here have been some of the best performances to date.
Big thanks to Max on drums and Dave on bass (two of the coolest cats ever and I’m proud to be playing with them), Ken Gray my ever faithful tour and business manager, the staff at the Cantankerous Fish, Jennifer for having booked the show, and Dusty the inflatable punching clown for haunting my dreams as I sleep (you start to get a little cabin fever living in a tour bus for a month).
Additional Photos from the show:
Kevin Burdick is a healthcare IT and social networking consultant, a national touring musician, a nationally recognized speaker, and a leader of a unique non-profit that helps grieving families get headstones for their angel babies. Take a few minutes and explore the many lives of Kevin.