This month marks the 5 year anniversary of the passing of my daughter Dempsey. Thanks to renowned photographer and lifelong friend Jared Platt (, I will always be able to carry these incredible memories of her with me as he captured her 31-days of life in some of the most amazing and moving photos I’ve ever seen. In honor of her memory and also as tribute to her this month, I’m posting many of these photos here on my blog to be seen by my friends and fans, many for the first time.
Note: If you are moved by these photos, please take a minute to review the charity that we founded in her name. We help to provide permanent grave markers for other struggling and financially needy families that have also lost a child. If you are interested in supporting her cause, either financially or by sharing it with friends, please go to:
Kevin Burdick is a healthcare IT and social networking consultant, a national touring musician, a nationally recognized speaker, and a leader of a unique non-profit that helps grieving families get headstones for their angel babies. Take a few minutes and explore the many lives of Kevin.